With Roe Overturned, What Comes Next for Abortion Rights?

最高法院推翻Roe v. Wade will be devastating. Here’s what comes next.

Jessica Arons, she/her/hers, Senior Policy Counsel, ACLU

The Supreme Court’s ruling today, which overturned Roe v. Wade, is nothing less than a shameful, sweeping, politically-driven decision that will have life-altering, and indeed, 对妇女和其他可能怀孕的人造成危及生命的后果. 这一时刻所造成的破坏以及它将如何侵蚀我们的许多基本权利,不容低估.

今天的裁决撤销了联邦宪法赋予的堕胎权利, and with it our agency over our lives and futures. 由于这一决定,预计有一半的州将禁止堕胎.

这是对妇女权利和每个可能怀孕的人的身体自主权的无耻攻击, and the effects will be immediate and far reaching. 强迫某人怀孕并在违背其意愿的情况下分娩会产生毁灭性的影响, derailing their life, education, and career plans, 给他们安排了一个他们从未想过的未来.

As bad as today is, this is just the beginning. 极端分子明确表示,除非全国禁止堕胎,否则他们不会满足. And they won’t stop with abortion either. 那些试图控制孕妇身体的极端分子正在为我们获得节育和性别确认医疗保健的权利而来, to marry who we love, and to vote. 但sbobet篮球一直在为我们的基本权利而战 Roe v. Wade was decided, and we are not backing down now — or ever. sbobet篮球和我们的支持者一直在为这一刻做准备.


The state of Mississippi used Dobbs 直接向最高法院发出推翻的邀请 Roe. The case 是代表密西西比最后一家堕胎诊所由生殖权利中心起诉的吗, 它还挑战了一项禁止15周后堕胎的州法律, in plain violation of Roe. 该州要求法院不只是维持为期15周的禁令, 而是彻底重新考虑堕胎的合宪性,并宣布宪法不保护堕胎的权利 at all. That is precisely what the court ruled today.

What happens when abortion is banned?

强迫某人违背自己的意愿怀孕会带来改变一生的后果, 包括承受持续怀孕和分娩带来的严重健康风险, making it harder to escape poverty, derailing one’s education, career, and life plans, and making it more difficult to leave an abusive partner. 这一决定也将导致流产受到怀疑, investigation, and arrest, and patients and doctors being thrown in jail.

这些负担将不成比例地落在有色人种女性身上, those struggling to make ends meet, young people, immigrants, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ communities.

Today’s ruling will also have deadly consequences, 黑人妇女和其他有色人种受到的伤害最大,她们已经面临着孕产妇死亡率危机,而在那些决心禁止堕胎的州,这种危机最为严重. In fact, Black women are three times 比白人妇女更容易在分娩时或分娩后不久死亡. 如果在全国范围内禁止堕胎,估计与怀孕有关的死亡人数将达到 increase 在全国范围内减少了21%,黑人女性减少了33%.

What comes next for abortion rights?

Without the federal right to abortion, about half the states are expected to ban abortion in the near future. Some of these laws will take effect immediately, 一些国家将需要采取额外行动才能使法律生效, and some states will pass new laws.

This didn’t happen overnight. 这是一项长达数十年的计划的一部分,该计划旨在剥夺人们半个世纪以来所依赖的权利. 反堕胎的政客们花了几十年的时间来制定各种各样的堕胎禁令 at the state level 这使得堕胎变得遥不可及,并为我们现在所处的时刻奠定了基础:他们可以在全国范围内禁止堕胎. But we know they will not stop there. 今天的决定使反堕胎的政客们离他们宣布堕胎为非法的最终目标又近了一步 nationwide.

How can we channel our anger into action?

每个人都应该有自己决定是否要孩子以及何时要孩子的尊严和权力. 那些试图剥夺我们基本权利的人正指望我们保持沉默. 当我们的权利和自由受到威胁时,我们不能保持沉默,我们也不会.

This is a moment of crisis, but we are not powerless. Abortion access is literally on the ballot this year, 我们必须投票,就像我们的权利依赖于它一样——因为事实就是如此.

With the federal constitutional right to abortion gone, state constitutional rights are more important than ever. In Michigan and Vermont, 人们正在努力将生育自由权写入各州宪法.

Conversely, 取消堕胎权的州宪法修正案提案正在进行投票 Kansas this August, and in Kentucky this November. We cannot let those measures succeed.

We can make our voices heard by taking to the streets. 抗议和行动正在全国各地发生,你可以定位你所在州的事件 here. 你可以加入这些努力,并通过发短信“反击”到826-23来注册sbobet篮球的提醒,以获得更多的行动和未来关键工作的更新.*

你也可以帮助那些最需要堕胎的人获得堕胎的机会 donating to abortion funds that help people access critical care, and by donating to the ACLU.

Finally, you can help fight the stigma of abortion by sharing your stories 谈论堕胎如何改变了你的生活. Talk 告诉你的朋友、家人和邻居为什么堕胎是必不可少的.

It is up to us — the overwhelming majority of Americans who support abortion access — to come together and fight 为了一个我们可以自由控制自己身体和未来的世界. 我们正在与合作伙伴联合起来,努力动员全国各地的人们参与到争取身体自主的斗争中来.

sbobet篮球将继续尽我们所能确保所有人都能获得所需的医疗服务, when they need it. We are fighting for our rights everywhere: in the courts, in Congress and state legislatures, in the streets, and at the ballot box. Politicians don’t get the last word. We do.

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